Salmocode Project

Nytt prosjekt, SALMOCODE: Laksekartet over organer og celler for optimal utvikling av embryoer

Led by Christiaan Henkel at BIOVIT (NMBU), SALMOCODE (the Salmon Map of Organs and Cells for Optimal Development of Embryos) is a three-year collaboration between NMBU, Nofima, UiT, Aqua Kompetanse, and NCE Aquaculture, with industrial partners Benchmark Genetics and MOWI, funded by the Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (FHF). SALMOCODE will use single-cell transcriptomics to investigate […]

Nytt prosjekt, SALMOCODE: Laksekartet over organer og celler for optimal utvikling av embryoer Read More »

The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance (Dyrevernalliansen) is funding a new project at our facility

Dr. Romain Fontaine and Dr. Arturas Kavaliauskis, both affiliated with FISH-VET, have secured funding from The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance (Dyrevernalliansen). The primary objective of their research project is to delve into the intricate role of various environmental factors in order to pinpoint those conducive to producing animals with enhanced health and welfare. In the

The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance (Dyrevernalliansen) is funding a new project at our facility Read More »

Medaka TG935 Cardio GFP RFP

Ny medaka-linje introdusert i laboratoriet

We just received a new transgenic line from the National BioRessource Project Medaka (NBRP) in Japan. This line has the heart labeled with a red fluorescent protein and blood cells with a green fluorescent protein. Ordered by Dr Ida Beitnes Johansen and Dr Romain Fontaine, this line will help them, in the future, to investigate the development of the cardiac

Ny medaka-linje introdusert i laboratoriet Read More »
