salmon vaccination tests against ISAV at FISH-VET

Nytt prosjekt om vaksinasjon av atlantisk laks mot laksekoppevirus overflateproteiner

Salmon gill poxvirus (SGPV) infection is a common denominator in many cases of complex gill disease in the Norwegian salmon farming industry and may, as a single agent infection, result in salmon poxvirus disease (SGPVD). As our knowledge of the salmon defense mechanisms against SGPV is yet in its primitive phase, the ‘Immunopox’ project, led

Nytt prosjekt om vaksinasjon av atlantisk laks mot laksekoppevirus overflateproteiner Read More »

Nytt prosjekt om Infeksiøs lakseanemivirus (ISAV) av Veterinærinstituttet

In a quest to unravel the mysteries behind the ever-changing virulence of the Infectious Salmon Anemia virus (ISAV), researchers at the section for Aquaculture biosecurity at Norwegian Veterinary Institute Ås, embarked on an exciting initiative to dive deep into the intricate world of ISAV, by exploring the nuances in virulence, disease development, and outcomes between historical and

Nytt prosjekt om Infeksiøs lakseanemivirus (ISAV) av Veterinærinstituttet Read More »

Nytt prosjekt DeviHeart for å studere konsekvensene av avvikende hjertemorfologi hos oppdrettslaks 

Our facility is currently facilitating the DeviHeart project (Consequences of Deviating Heart morphology in farmed salmon) led by Michael Frisk at the Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR) at Oslo University Hospital (OUS). DeviHeart is a four-year project funded by the Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (FHF). It involves collaboration with NMBU (Norwegian University of Life

Nytt prosjekt DeviHeart for å studere konsekvensene av avvikende hjertemorfologi hos oppdrettslaks  Read More »

Foods of Norway-forsøk viser løfte om bedre laksehelse

Foods of Norway has been conducting two pathogen challenge trials with Atlantic salmon at our state-of-the-art salmon fish facility. This trial marks a significant stride in testing innovative diets designed to fortify salmon against the formidable Yersinia ruckeri pathogen. Salmon face a multitude of challenges, from vaccinations and changes in salinity to shifts in water

Foods of Norway-forsøk viser løfte om bedre laksehelse Read More »

Ny vaksineforsøk på laks

Dr Øystein Evensen, professor at NMBU, is testing a new vaccine developed against the piscine myocarditis virus (PMCV) which is responsible of the cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS), a loss-making disease in Norwegian salmon farming. Together with his group members Dr Evensen is therefore testing whether recombinant proteins from this virus and plasmids with genes from this virus can

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Nytt prosjekt om effekten av lysforurensning på Medaka

Dr. Romain Fontaine, researcher at NMBU, together with his master students Nils Gunnar Lindbo and Lauren Closs is now starting to investigate the effect of light pollution during night on fish biology. They are using the Japanese medaka as a model organism and use a specific aquarium system where they can control the duration of the light during the

Nytt prosjekt om effekten av lysforurensning på Medaka Read More »
